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What Abnormal Results Mean Higher than normal levels may indicate The pituitary gland near the brain makes too much of the hormone ACTH called Cushings disease because of excess growth of the pituitary gland or a tumor in the pituitary gland or elsewhere in the body such as the pancreas lung and thyroid Tumor of the adrenal gland that is producing too much cortisol Tumor elsewhere in the body that produces cortisol Lower than normal levels may indicate Addisons disease when the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol Hypopituitarism when the pituitary gland does not signal the adrenal gland to produce enough cortisol Other conditions under which the test may be performed Acute adrenal crisis Ectopic Cushings syndrome Pituitary Cushings Cushings disease Risks Veins and arteries vary in size from one patient to another and from one side of the body to the other.g.Pronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder Vocabulary and Terminology TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING absorption a bS O RPsh u n achlorhydria a chl o rH I Dr e a amino acids a M E n o A S i dz amylase A M i l a s anastomosis a n a st o M O s i s anus A n u s appendectomy a p e nD E Kt o m E appendicitis a p e nd i S I t i s appendix a P E Nd i ks bile b i l biliary B I L e a r e bilirubin b i l i ROOb i n bowel B O W e l buccal mucosa B U K a l m u K O s a canine teeth K A n i n t e th cecal S E k a l cecum S E k u m celiac S E l e a k cheilosis k i L O s i s cholecystectomy k o l e s i sT E Kt o m e choledocholithiasis k o l e d o k o l i TH I a s i s choledochojejunostomy k o l e d o k o j i j u N O St o m e choledochotomy k o l e d o K O T o m e DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING cholelithiasis k o l e l i TH I a s i s colon K O l o n colonic k o L O N i k colonoscopy k o l o n O Sk o p e colostomy k o L O St o m e common bile duct K O M o n b i l d u kt defecation d e f e K A sh u n deglutition d e glooT I SH u n dentibuccal d e nt i B U K a l dentin D E Nt i n digestion d i J E STy u n duodenal d u o D E n a l or d u O D e n a l duodenum d u o D E n u m or d u O D e n u m elimination e l i m i N A sh u n emulsication e m u ls i f i K A sh u n enamel e N A M e l endodontist e nd o D O Nt i st enterocolitis e nt e r o k o L I t i s enteroenterostomy e nt e r o e nt e r O St o m e enzyme E Nz i m esophageal e s o f a J E a l esophagus e S O F a g u s fatty acids F A Tt e A s i dz facial F A sh u l feces F E s e z gallbladder GAWLbl a d e r gastrointestinal tract g a str o i nT E St i n a l tr a ct gastrojejunostomy g a str o j e j u N O St o m e gastrostomy g a sTR O St o m e gingivitis j i nj i V I t i s gluconeogenesis glook o n e o J E N e s i s DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING glucose GLOOk o s glycogen GL I k o j e n glycogenolysis gl i k o j e N O L i s i s hepatoma h e p a T O m a hepatomegaly h e p a t o M E G a l E hydrochloric acid h i dr o KL O R i k A s i d hyperbilirubinemia h i p e rb i l i roob i N E m e a hyperglycemia h i p e rgl i S E m e a hypoglossal h i p o GL O s a l ileitis i l e I t i s ileocecal sphincter i l e o S E k a l SF I NKt e r ileostomy i l e O St o m e ileum I L e u m incisor i nS I z o r insulin I Ns u l i n jejunum j e JOOn u m labial L A b e a l laparoscopy l a p a R O Sk o p e lipase L I p a s lithogenesis l i th o J E N e s i s liver L I v e r lower esophageal sphincter L O W e r e s o f a J E a l SF I NKt e r mastication m a st i K A sh u n mesentery M E S e nt e r e molar teeth M O l a r t e th oral O R a l orthodontist o rth o D O Nt i st palate P A L a t palatopharyngoplasty p a l a t o f a R I NGg o pl a st e palatoplasty P A L a t o pl a st e pancreas P A Nkr e a s pancreatitis p a nkr e a T I t i s papillae p a P I L e DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING parenteral p a R E Nt e r a l parotid gland p a R O T i d gl a nd perianal p e r e A n a l periodontist p e r e o D O Nt i st peritonitis p e r i t o N I t i s peristalsis p e r i ST A Ls i s pharyngeal f a r a nJ E a l or f a R I Nj e a l pharynx F A R i nks portal vein P O Rt a l v a n postprandial p o stPR A Nd e a l premolar teeth pr e M O l a r t e th proctologist pr o kT O L o j i st protease PR O t e a se pulp p u lp pyloric sphincter p i L O R i k SF I NKt e r pyloroplasty p i L O R o pl a st e pylorus p i L O R u s rectocele R E Kt o s e l rectum R E Kt u m rugae ROOg e saliva s a L I v a salivary glands S A L i v a r e gl a ndz sialadenitis s i a l a d e N I t i s sialolith s i A L o l i th sigmoid colon S I Gmoyd K O l o n sigmoidoscopy s i gmoyd O Sk o p e sphincter SF I NKt e r steatorrhea st e a t o R E a stomach STOMak stomatitis st o m a T I t i s sublingual s u bL I NGw a l submandibular s u bm a nD I B u l a r DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING triglycerides tr i GL I s e r i dz uvula U v u l a uvulectomy u v u L E Kt o m e villi V I L i Pathologic Terminology TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING achalasia a k a hL A z e a anal stula A n a l F I St u l a anorexia a n o R E Ks e a aphthous stomatitis A Fth u s st o m a T I t i s ascites a S I t e z borborygmus b o rb o R I Gm u s cholelithiasis k o l e l i TH I a s i s cirrhosis s i rR O s i s colonic polyps k o L O N i k p o l i ps colorectal cancer k o l o R E Kt a l K A Ns e r constipation c o nst i P A sh u n Crohn disease kr o n d i Z E Z dental caries D E Nt a l K A R e z diarrhea d i a hR E a diverticula d i v e rT I K u l a diverticulitis d i v e rt i k u L I t i s diverticulosis d i v e rt i k u L O s i s dysentery D I S e nt e r e dysphagia d i sPH A j e a eructation e r u kT A sh u n esophageal cancer e s o f a J E a l K a Ns e r esophageal varices e s o f a J E a l V A R i s e z etiology e t e O L o j e atus FL A t u s DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING gastric cancer G A Str i k K A Ns e r gastroesophageal reux disease g a str o e s o f a J E a l R E u x d i Z E Z hematochezia h e m a t o K E z e a hemorrhoids H E M o roydz herpetic stomatitis h e rP E T i k st o m a T I t i s hiatal hernia h i A t a l H E Rn e a icterus I Kt e r u s idiopathic i d e o P A TH i k ileus I L e u s inammatory bowel disease i nFL A m a t o r e B O W e l d i Z E Z inguinal hernia I NGw i n a l H E Rn e a intussusception i nt u ss u sS E Psh u n irritable bowel syndrome I R i t a bl B O W e l S I Ndr o m jaundice J A WNd i s lipoma l i P O m a melena M E L e n a or m e L E n a nausea N A Wz e a oral leukoplakia O R a l l u k o PL A k e a pancreatic cancer p a nkr e A t i c K A Ns e r pancreatitis p a nkr e a T I t i s peptic ulcer P E Pt i c U Ls e r periodontal disease p e r e o D O Nt a l d i Z E Z pyorrhea p i o rR E a ulcerative colitis U Ls e r a t i v k o L I t i s viral hepatitis V I r a l h e p a T I t i s volvulus V O Lv u l u s Note The Review Sheet for this chapter is combined with the Review Sheet for Chapter onPossible Complications Anemia hemolytic anemia is rare Central nervous system complications Cirrhosis Death of liver tissues Fatty liver Hepatitis Increased number of bone fractures Increased number of infections Injury caused by falls Jaundice Joint contractures or other deformity Loss of ability to care for self Loss of ability to function at work and home Loss of ability to interact with other people Loss of muscle mass muscle atrophy Psychological complications Side effects of penicillamine and other medications used to treat the disorder Spleen problems Liver failure and damage to the central nervous system brain spinal cord are the most common and dangerous effects of the disorder. http://sildenafilusforx.com - viagra 100 mg best price Longacting.This is probably our psychological defense mechanisms.MD MPH MBA Mary Ann Forciea MD Douglas K.We dont always want to turn up the immune system.His wellorganized systematic studies greatly advanced the understanding of the anatomy and life cycles of insects especially how they change or metamorphose 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