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Культура и искусство | Переходов: 29 | Добавил: Обсудить материал от LestActiolaа | Дата: 13.07.2015

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Культура и искусство | Переходов: 34 | Добавил: Обсудить материал от HectPaigeofа | Дата: 11.07.2015

Genet.M.The more severe the condition the better the results.Pronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder Vocabulary and Terminology TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING adaptive immunity a D A Pt i v i M U n i t e adenoids A D e noydz anaphylaxis a n a f a L A Ks i s antibody A Nt i b o d e antigen A Nt i j e n asplenia a SPL E N e a autoimmune disease awt o i M U N d i Z E Z axillary nodes A KS i l a r e n o dz B cell B s e l cellmediated immunity s e l m e d e A t e d i M U N i t e cervical nodes S E Rv i kl n o dz complement system C O Mpl e m e nt S i St e m cytokines S I t o k i nz cytotoxic T cell s i t o T O Ks i k T s e l dendritic cell d e nDR I t i k s e l helper T cell H E Lp e r T s e l humoral immunity H U m e r a l i mM U N i t e hypersplenism h i p e rSPL E N i zm immunity i mM U N i t e immunoglobulins i m u n o GL O B u l i nz immunosuppression i m u n o s u PR E sh u n immunotherapy i m u n o TH E R a p e LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEMS TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING inguinal node I NGgw i n a l n o d interferons i nt e rF E R o nz interleukins i nt e rLOOk i nz interstitial uid i nt e rST I SH a l FLOO i d lymph l i mf lymphadenitis l i mf a hd e N I t i s lymphadenopathy l i mf a d e N O P a hth e lymph capillaries l i mf K A P i l a r e z lymphedema l i mf e D E m a lymph node l i mf n o d lymphocytes L I Mf o s i tz lymphocytosis l i mf o s i T O s i s lymphocytopenia l i mf o s i t o P E n e a lymphoid organs L I Mfoid O Rg a nz lymphopoiesis l i mf o poy E s i s lymph vessel l i mf V E S e l macrophage M A Kr o f a j mediastinal nodes m e d e a sT I n a l n o dz mesenteric nodes m e s e nT E R i k n o dz monoclonal antibody m o n o KL O n a l A Nt i b o d e natural immunity N A t u r a l i mM U n i t e paraaortic nodes p a r a a O Rt i k n o dz plasma cell PL A Zm a s e l right lymphatic duct r i t l i mF A t i k d u kt spleen spl e n splenectomy spl e N E Kt o m e splenomegaly spl e n o M E G a l e suppressor T cell s u PR E s o r T s e l T cell T s e l thoracic duct th o R A s i k d u kt thymectomy th i M E Kt o m e thymus gland TH I m u s gl a nd tolerance T O L e r a ntz tonsils T O Ns i lz LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEMS TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING toxic T O Ks i k toxin T O Ks i n vaccination v a ks i N A sh u n vaccine v a kS E N Pathology and Laboratory Tests TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING acquired immunodeciency syndrome a KW I RD i m u n o d e F I SH e ns e S I Ndr o m allergen A L e rj e n allergy A L e rj e atopy A T o p e CD cell CD P O S i t i v s e l ELISA e L I z a Hodgkin disease H O Jk i n d i Z E Z human immunodeciency virus H U m a n i m u n o d e F I SH e ns e V I r u s immunoelectrophoresis i m u n o e l e ktr o ph o r E s i s Kaposi sarcoma K A p o s e or k a P O Ss e s a rK O m a lymphoma l i mF O m a multiple myeloma M U LT i pl m i e L O m a nonHodgkin lymphoma n o nH O Jk i n l i mF O ma opportunistic infections o pp o rt u N I St i k i nF E Ksh u nz protease inhibitors PR O t e a s i nH I B i t o rz reverse transcriptase inhibitors severe combined immunodeciency disease r e V E RS tr a nsSCR I PT a z i nH I B i t o rz s e V E R k o mB I ND i m u n o d e F I SH e ns e d i Z E Z thymoma th i M O m a viral load test v i r a l l o d t e st wasting syndrome W A ST i ng S I Ndr o m Western blot W E St e rn bl o t LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEMS REVIEW SHEET Write the meaning of the word parts in the spaces provided. http://generic-onlineus.com - retin a canadian pharmacy Genetic predispositionIt means that you have a more positive mood wh ile at work and better evaluations from your boss.In between flareups you may have some mild residual pain and some mild urinary symptoms such as passing urine frequently or an urgent desire to pass urine.Update Date Updated by Linda J.
Культура и искусство | Переходов: 30 | Добавил: Обсудить материал от Jerychielryа | Дата: 11.07.2015

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Культура и искусство | Переходов: 30 | Добавил: Обсудить материал от LestActiolaа | Дата: 22.06.2015

These studies detect occlusion in blood vessels.HighYield NeuroanatomyPronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder Vocabulary and Terminology TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING adenocarcinoma a d e n o k a rs i N O m a adjuvant therapy A Dj u v a nt TH E R a p e alkylating agents A Lk i l a t i ng A jents alopecia a l o P E sh e a alveolar a lv e O l a r or a lV E o l a r anaplasia a n a PL A z e a angiogenesis a nj e o G E N e s i s antibiotics a nt i b i O T i ks antimetabolites a nt i m e T A B o l i ts antimitotics a nt i m i T O T i ks apoptosis a p o T O s i s or a p o pT O s i s benign tumor b e N I N TOOm o r biological response modiers b i o L O J i k a l r e SP O NS M O D i f i e rz biological therapy b i o L O J i k a l TH E R a p e bone marrow biopsy b o n M A r o B I o ps e bone marrow transplantation b o n M A r o tr a nzpl a nt A sh u n brachytherapy br a k e TH E r a p e cachexia k a K E Ks e a carcinogens k a rS I N o j e nz carcinoma k a rs i N O ma carcinoma in situ k a rs i N O ma i n S I too CANCER MEDICINE ONCOLOGY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING cauterization k a wt e r i Z A sh u n cellular oncogenes S E L u l a r O NGK o j e nz chemotherapy k e m o TH E R a p e combination chemotherapy K O Mb i N A sh u n k e m o TH E R a p e core needle biopsy k o r N E dl B I o ps e cryosurgery kr i o S U Rj e r e cystic tumor S I St i k TOOm o r cytogenetic analysis s i t o j e N E T i k a N A L e s i s dedifferentiation d e d i f e r e nsh e A sh u n deoxyribonucleic acid d e o x e r i b o nooKL E i k A S i d differentiating agents d i f e r E Nsh e a t i ng A g e nts differentiation d i f e r e nsh e A sh u n dysplastic d i sPL A St i k electrocauterization e l e ktr o kawt e r e Z A shun electron beams e L E Ktr o n b e mz en bloc resection e n bl o k r e S E Ksh u n encapsulated e nK A Ps u l a t e d epidermoid e p i D E Rmoyd excisional biopsy ekSIZH u n a l B I o ps e exenteration e ks e nt e R A sh u n exfoliative cytology e ksF O l e a t i v s i T O L o j e external beam radiation e ksT E Rn a l b e m r a d e A sh u n beroptic colonoscopy f i b e r O Pt i k k o l o n O Sk o p e brosarcoma f i br o s a rK O ma brosis f i BR O s i s elds f e ldz ne needle aspiration F I N N E dl a sp e R A sh u n follicular f o L I K u l a r fractionation fr a ksh a N A sh u n CANCER MEDICINE ONCOLOGY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING fulguration f u lg u R A sh u n fungating tumor f u ngG A t i ng or F U NGg a t i ng TOOm o r genetic screening j e N E T i k SCR E n i ng grading of tumors GR A d i ng of TOOm o rz gray Gy gr a gross description of tumors GR O S d e SKR I Psh u n of TOOm o rz hyperplasia h i p e rPL A z e a immunohistochemistry i m u n o h i st o K E M i str e incisional biopsy i nS I ZH u n a l B I o ps e infertility i nf e r T I L i t e inltrative I Nf i ltr a t i v invasive i nV A s i v irradiation i rr a d e A sh u n laparoscopy l a p a r O Sk o p e linear accelerator L I N e a r a ks e l e R A t o r malignant tumor m a L I Gn a nt TOOm o r mammography m a M O Gr a f e medullary tumor M E D u l a r e TOOm o r mesenchymal m e s e nK I m a l metaplasia m e t a PL A z e a metastasis m e T A St a s i s microscopic description of tumors m i kr o SK O P i k d e SKR I P sh u n of TOOm o rz mitosis m i T O s i s mixedtissue tumors M I KSD T I sh u TOOm o rz modality m o D A L i t e molecularly targeted drugs m o L E K u l a rl e T A Rg e t e d dr u gz morbidity m o rB I D i t e mucinous M U s i n u s CANCER MEDICINE ONCOLOGY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING mucositis m u k o S I t i s mutagenic m u t a J E N i k mutation m u T A sh u n myelosuppression m i e l o s u PR E sh u n necrotic tumor n e KR O T i k TOOm o r neoplasm N E o pl a zm neuroblastoma noor o bl a sT O m a neurobromatosis noor o f i br o m a T O s i s nucleotide NOOkl e o t i d oncogene O NGK o j e n oncology o nK O L o j e osteosarcoma o st e o s a rK O m a palliative P A L e a t i v papillary P A P i l a r e pedunculated p e D U NGk u l a t e d PETCT scan P E T CT sk a n photon therapy F O t o n TH E R a p e pleomorphic pl e o M O Rf i k pneumonitis noom o N I t i s polypoid tumor P O L i poyd TOOm o r protein marker tests PR O t e n M A RK e r t e sts protocol PR O t o k o l proton therapy PR O t o n TH E R a p e radiation r a d e A sh u n radiocurable tumor r a d e o K U R a bl TOOm o r radionuclide scans r a d e o NOOkl i d sk a nz radioresistant tumor r a d e o r e Z I St a nt TOOm o r radiosensitive tumor r a d e o S E Ns i t i v TOOm o r radiosensitizers r a d e o S E Ns i t i z e rz radiotherapy r a d e o TH E R a p e relapse r e L A PS CANCER MEDICINE ONCOLOGY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING remission r e M I SH u n retinoblastoma r e t i n o bl a sT O m a ribonucleic acid RNA r i b o nooKL E ik A S i d sarcoma s a rK O m a scirrhous SK I R u s secondary tumors S E k o nd a r e TOOm o rz serous S E r u s sessile S E S i l simulation s i m u L A sh u n solid tumor S O L i d TOOm o r staging of tumors ST A j i ng of TOOm o rz stem cell transplantation st e m s e l tr a nzpl a nt A sh u n stereotactic radiosurgery st e r e o T A Kt i c r a d e o S U Rj e r e steroids ST E Roydz surgical procedures to treat S U RG i k a l pr o S E j u rz to tr e t cancer K A Ns e r teletherapy t e l e TH E r a p e ulcerating tumor U Ls e r a t i ng TOOm o r verrucous tumor v e ROOk u s TOOm o r viral oncogenes V I r a l O NGK o j e nz virus V I r u s xerostomia z e r o ST O m e a CANCER MEDICINE ONCOLOGY REVIEW SHEET Write the meanings of the combining forms in the spaces provided and test yourself. <a href=http://cialisfreeoffer.com/#lcfjugw>best price cialis 20mg</a> Inspect lower extremities for color change ulcers muscle atrophy hair loss thickened toenails etc.
Культура и искусство | Переходов: 31 | Добавил: Обсудить материал от Jerychielryа | Дата: 20.06.2015

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